Friday, September 12, 2008

Reviewing for Epinions

Having been on Epinions for a while and having made $25.00+ there (not a lot considering how long I've been there), I notice that you have to keep submitting reviews to keep the income rolling in. Eventually, old reviews get less productive as less consumers look up reviews to purchase an old item. So you can't exactly just write a bunch of reviews and sit back. I'm up to about 13 reviews since I've been a member.

There's also certain areas that tend to be more productive. It's actually quite obvious if you think about it. People tend to search for reviews on electronics and recreational items. So my reviews on hiking backpacks, bluetooth headsets, cellphones, cameras, etc. tend to produce more revenue. While my reviews on simpler items such as watches, starter guitars, and RAM tend to produce less. One other thing I noticed is that certain reviews are sold to other sites. When I Google my screen name, I find my Epinions review on other merchant sites. This must be Epinions trying to maximize their revenue on user-produced content. This is also good for reviewers as their reviews get more views.

Anyway, if you are on Epinions, you really need to keep reviewing items. I suggest using your item for a bit before writing. And write well and organized. That way fellow reviewers will rate your review higher and it'll appear higher on Epinions searches. Some veteran Epinions reviewers have hundreds, if not thousands, of reviews to their credit. Whoa...

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