Thursday, September 18, 2008

Bid update

So the loan I bid on a couple days ago at Prosper ended at 22.00%. That's my seventh loan at Prosper. In a month or so, I should be seeing some cash flow there. My portfolio at Prosper is looking pretty good. My previous six loans are still current. Two of them are actually paying at an accelerated rate, so I might have two paid off loans before the three-year mark. In fact, it's because of these two loans that I'm getting cash back as fast as I am. Granted, this does cut into the amount of interest I make on those loans, but it feels nice to have cash back to make extra loans.

I'm still thinking I should limit my investment in Prosper until I feel confident in their stability. I haven't been following the situation over at Lending Tree, and I haven't heard much news about Prosper doing bad. However, the initial reviews from when Prosper started does make some sense. The good news is that three years for Prosper is coming up next February. So we'll see how it all goes then. In the meantime, I'll keep reinvesting what I have back into Prosper. The high rate of return is still very appealing, especially with the state of our economy right now.

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