Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Following the market again

So with all this volatility in the stock market, I'm following it a bit closer again. It looks like people are selling off shares of AIG to recognize the gains from last week. Share prices are down to $4.30 (but still a pretty good return if you had bought it last week at $2.20). Last week, I kinda thought the peak would be around $5.00 anyway, so this drop made some sense. I also peeked at a headline mentioning that AIG has officially accepted the $85B loan from the Fed. I would think this would push the stock up as it means AIG has time to restructure and possibly sell off some of its business. But then again, I did hear that the $85B loan has a pretty high interest.

Yesterday, I sold off my measly shares of Verizon and threw the proceeds back into the market. I got 50 shares of Freddie Mac ($1.37/share). I have a feeling they'll do okay with the government holding them. It's not a big investment, but I didn't want to throw too much money in on a hunch I have, especially with this shaky market. It's not the same feeling I got with AIG. I also got 33 shares of Sirius radio. They finally merged with XM, so I think they'll do pretty well once they work out all the details and the dust settles. They were cheap too at $0.87/share. Again, no fresh money. Just some movement with my very small portfolio. I have more money in my Prosper loans than the stock market (not including my 401K, of course).

As of now, the biggest movers right now are Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, so my call is right so far. Should I have put more money in it? Maybe, but I think I'm fine where I am.

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