Friday, September 26, 2008

Market's not looking any better

After seeing my newly purchased shares of Freddie Mac (FRE) go as high as $2.95/share with the market on news that a bailout might pass yesterday, stocks fell as the day wore on with no announcement of a bailout. FYI, FRE closed at $1.85/share yesterday. Ouch. Then I went home and watched CNN before bed. What good news there huh? Talks among the President, Treasury, and party leaders left the bailout situation worse, with the Dems accusing Republican presidential candidate John McCain for messing up what was to be the bailout plan. And to add salt to the wound, Washington Mutual went down yesterday.

Markets are down on this new situation, but I'm thinking things will be better once another bailout plan is put together again. Some think it can be as early as this weekend. We'll see about that.

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