Monday, June 2, 2008

Cash flow update - $143.88/year

I went around my accounts and updated my spreadsheet for my cash flow tracker. I am now averaging $143.88/year, up from $118/year when I first started this blog. That's $11.99/month versus $9.83/month. Not a huge increase. Most of it the increase came from the routine deposits into my ING accounts which bumps up my interest income. My Sharebuilder account has a $10.00 deposit every 15 days. The dividends are set to reinvest, so that helps a tiny portion as well. There were also the two new Prosper loans two that I funded, although the most recent one only started recently and probably didn't bump up the averages yet.

My Google AdSense isn't really producing right now, and I haven't really done much to increase traffic to my sites. So I either need to increase traffic or start writing more blogs. I have read some other passive income blogs where the owner has 10+ blogs going, but I'm just not too keen on having multiple blogs to keep track of. I think I'm all set on the blog front. I have some other shelved projects that I can dust off and see where I can go with that. My account is sitting idle. I had some ideas about a online comic strip, but just haven't had the time to sit down and map out and draw the strips. There were also multiple website where you can submit articles and get paid a portion of ad revenue based on page visits/clicks, but I'm not a big writer, and keeping these two blogs updated is enough writing for me as it is.

I need to think a bit bigger and come up with other ideas. But here's the update for now:

$143.88/year or $11.99/month.

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