Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Well, I finally earned something with Google Adsense! I've earned a penny. I know, pretty unimpressive. I just haven't managed to drive traffic to my blogs. The only links I have to these blogs are the blogs linking themselves and the links on my Facebook profile. I've also added a link to my squidoo profile as well, but my blogs do not pop up in Google searches yet. I'm not quite sure how to do so; I only know Google results are somewhat link-driven.

I'll probably start a more topic-oriented blog in the future when I decide on what to write about. That might get more people to find my blogs. And since I can use my Adsense account on multiple sites, I can easily add ads to that blog as well. But for now it's just this one plus my everyday one.

Nothing new with my other passive income "adventures". I haven't added any new money to my Prosper account, so no new loans there. ING accounts have a steady biweekly transfers, so I'll update at the end of the month when my interest earnings are accrued.

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