Monday, May 19, 2008

Dental reimbursement, jacket sale

I received my dental insurance reimbursement check a week or so ago. It was the one I wrote about a few posts back that had expired. A simple phone call and it was reissued. And since I've paid for my cleaning and it's way in the past, it feels like found money to me. Expense has already accrued and I've already recovered from the hit. I feel like this will probably happen to me with my wisdom teeth extraction. I paid upfront and now I'm waiting for all the red tape with my medical insurance. Then I can send the bill to my dental insurance for reimbursement. That's actually quite a bit of money.

On another front, I sold my motorcycle jacket to my friend. I had sold my motorcycle earlier this year to help fund my replacement of my car (it was sad, but I had to do it, and it made more financial sense). Since I sold my bike, there wasn't much reason for me to keep my jacket. My friend had a jacket, but he liked the armor in my jacket. It's quite a flashy jacket too; check it out: Cortech GX-Air (2007) in silver and black. I didn't sell my pants or my gloves. I'll probably keep the gloves along with my helmet, for when I buy a bike again. It's pretty hard to sell a helmet anyway and my gloves wouldn't fetch a lot.

So after these two "windfalls", I'm up $200. I'm going to transfer 25% or $50 to my Prosper account for lending and keep the rest in my checking for future transfer to my ING accounts. I have a vacation coming up, so I've been trying to save a bit for the expense so I don't have to dip into my long-term savings or use credit. But anyway, I'm hoping that $50 will turn into another $0.50 increase in my passive income cash flow.

Something I might not have mentioned before is that Prosper loans are for three years. So as each gets (hopefully) repaid, I have to re-lend the money out to keep the cash flow up. Otherwise, I'll just get a return and nothing else. But since I won't need this money for quite a while, I plan on reinvesting all the money back into Prosper loans hoping to effectively create a compounding interest situation. My ING is doing that too, albeit at a more conservative rate. Well, ING is also FDIC insured while my Prosper money aren't, but stocks are not protected either. You need to take some risk to attempt to get more return. So the questions is, how risk-adverse are you?

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