Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Google search, Prosper

I was doing some searches on Google to see if this blog would pop up. It turns out if you search for "passive income project", this blog would be on page six of the results. Nothing too impressive, but nice to know this blog is popping up on Google search. I'm hoping this blog will eventually pop up for searches for "passive income." That would be tremendous, because there are a lot of pages and blogs that talk about passive income and being on the search results would really boost my traffic.

Now onto Prosper. The $50.00 I transferred yesterday went through instantly due to the Facebook application I installed on my profile. I'm not sure how it works or what motivation they have for it, but if you install the Prosper application (which is really nothing more than a small square ad), your funds transfers as low as $50.00 can go through instantly. This is pretty big since normally it takes four business days.

With the instant funds in my Prosper account, I bid on a loan that promises to be paid within six months instead of the three years a normal loan would take. Sounds a bit shaky, but his history shows he did that for his previous Prosper loan. His background and financials seem okay and the loan was at 33.5% when I bid. I'm hoping to boost my average return again, although I'm aware if he repays early, I won't get the full benefit of that rate. I feel having the money back early with a 30+% return would be better than a three year loan at 18%. Didn't work out the calculations, but it seemed better to me.

I'll see if I win the loan later.

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