Friday, April 18, 2008

New blog

So I've started another blog; this one is more of a personal blog, a place for me to throw down my thoughts. Another reason is for me to have another site where I can setup my AdSense ads. I checked my stats this morning and I've had 47 page impressions since I started this blog. Granted, that my mom might have been reading it, but I doubt it since she can't read English. In any case, I wanted to see how this would affect the numbers. I also just wanted a place for me to collect my thoughts.

Nothing new happening in the passive income front. My new loan at prosper is still waiting for the verification process. I don't have any plans for the next few days in terms of increasing anything. I am trying to figure out what to do with my economic stimulus payment. I have so many options of where to put it. I can put it towards debt and treat the decrease of debt as a return at the finance charge rate (less money out). I can throw it into my ING and increase my porfolio income cashflow, but I can also do that with prosper and spend some time finding some more great loans. Decisions, decisions. All I know is that my finances are setup so that I do have positive cashflow, even if I have to sit with debt for the next year or so (please note that I only count my credit card debt, and not my student loan or car loan). You know what, on second thought, I might just skim a $100 off the stimulus payment and throw that into my portfolio income while the rest goes to my debt. That sounds good.

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