Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Google AdSense, Prosper Update

Last night, I applied for a Google AdSense account, thinking it would take awhile for it to approve. Boy, did it turn out to be easy. I was approved later in the night and I have already setup this blog with the ads (as you can see on the right and at the bottom). Let's see how long it takes for something to happen. The beauty of the AdSense program is that I can have one account and use it on all my pages, which at the moment is a total of one. But should I decide to start other blogs or online business, I simply add the scripts for the ads and it'll place relevant items on the page. Now if I can drive some traffic to this blog, then I can see how it all works.

As for prosper.com, my $50 transfer finalized today and I've already bidded on a loan that was at 29.99%. I put in a minimum rate of 22% to make sure (hopefully) that I get this loan. This should increase my average rate of return. Keep in mind I already have $100.00 in the site, and currently those two loans are worth $108 and change (worth of loans plus money paid back). I plan to throw in $50 whenever I can to continuously increase the cashflow there. I don't plan on taking any money out there, so whenever my cash balance from loan repayments reach $50 (the minimum to bid on a loan), I would bid on another loan.

While searching Google to see if this blog is in the search results, I found another blog focused on paying off debt using different methods, including passive income online. As I believe in sharing good stuff, here it is: http://www.debtfreedomguide.com/Seems to be a pretty nice site. Found out about ebay and Amazon affiliate programs too, so I'll do some research in those areas and see how it can fit into my plans.

My short term goal right now is to make $25.00/month on passive and portfolio income combined. Let's see how long that takes.

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