Thursday, January 29, 2009

Missed this headline somehow...

Western Digital (WDC) announced their fiscal Q2 results yesterday. I have no idea why I didn't get the headline yesterday, but it really doesn't matter as I do own WDC. But again, my theory of a bit of a delay in mob market response holds up again. If I had saw the first couple headlines yesterday, I could've called this one a bit better. The headlines have hit the mainstream today, which is reflected in the market price. Again, I don't know why Google reader didn't pick this up. But then again, I was pretty busy at work.

In any case, WDC announced their results with EPS of $0.06/share (net income of 14M). That's adjusted for restructuring charges, so pre-adjustment, EPS was $0.55/share (net income of $123M). Just a quick peek at the market, WDC is up $1.50 (10.42%). Pretty nice. My only lament was that I didn't buy a larger lot; I only have 13 shares. I had purchased WDC with my proceeds of when Budweiser merged with In-Bev. Ever since then, I've told myself to try to aim for trades of 50 shares or more.

Anyway, WDC is my strongest performing holding, and I am slightly kicking myself for not having at least bought 50 shares. But I am also very glad for not selling WDC to get Seagate to try and get another dividend-paying stock. They're having some problems with one of their products. WDC, on the other hand, just announced their 2TB Caviar drive. And I still like their Passport external drives very much. Very sleek. It's even in the Apple store, and anything blessed by the sacred fruit can't be that bad right?

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