Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Small Business Venture

Wow!  It's been nearly a year since my last post.  I skimmed my post and see that not much has changed on the passive income front.  I changed jobs recently, so my priority right now is getting settled and start kicking butt there.  Let's review my different projects anyway:

Portfolio Income
Prosper.com - Not much going on here.  They still haven't opened up Massachusetts again, so I'm just sitting there collecting on my previous loans.  No other defaults besides that single one that was an A credit.  So, good return there, but can't increase my potential.

ING Direct - Interest rates are very low.  With my new job, my savings is on hold too, so no new increases on potential.

Sharebuilder - Market has gone back up since my last post.  Sirius has made a strong comeback to get me back to even.  I was even in the black for a while, but market is a bit shaky from various things such as the BP oil spill and the European markets.  I made some gains here and there on various stocks like CSE, and I'm currently in AAPL.  Nothing crazy or awesome to write home about.

Passive Income
Blogger - Blogging takes up more time than I thought, and without constantly new content, blogs go dead fast.  I got tired of of blogger fast.  It wasn't as high producing as I thought and it's really my fault.  I didn't produce the content fast enough, and I didn't market the blog well enough.

Hubpages - Great place.  For what I've put in, it's returned a bit.  Definitely a lot better than Blogger.  I can link my Adsense account and my Amazon Affliates account to my hubs.  I'm aiming to add more hubs now and then to increase my potential.  My current hubs seem to be scoring high, but again, nothing crazy to seriously consider adding more time to.

Small Business Venture - I've started a small T-shirt design company with my sister.  SunnySideUp Tees.  First test run did pretty well.  Gave a lot of shirts away, but sales did pretty good.  Printing another small run of new designs on better tees and seeing how that would go.  I didn't really like the quality of the last run, but the new ones should be better.  In the red for now, but there is revenue and there is interest.  Hoping to see some real growth by the end of year one.

So, there's the update.  We'll see how things go by the next post!

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