Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Well well well...what are you doing Sirius??

Well, I logged on last night to see find out that Sirius is looking at bankruptcy. So the shares I've been holding has dropped 31% so far. How much did I lose because of this report? $3? Haha. See the thing is I bought these shares pretty cheap. Then I lost 70-80% of the value when news that Sirius will have to work very hard to make 2009's debt obligations. Normally, if you don't think the stock will recover, you sell and take the loss. But I didn't own that much, so the proceeds from the sale would've amounted to nearly nothing. I held on to the shares just in case they do manage their debt well and the stock would recover. Cost of holding was nothing to me as I already lost most of the initial investment.

So now, with my 100 shares at around $7 total, I'm just gonna let it sit and watch it go to zero. That or wait for Charlie Ergen, head of Dish Network, to offer to buy out Sirius again (he made an offer earlier but was rebuffed). So what was the lesson we learned from this experience? Don't just buy a stock because it's cheap and you think it might have potential. Do some research, because there's a reason it's so cheap. But I must say that for a while, it looked like Sirius might pull through with the cross-platform receiver they were receiving and the life-subscription offer before the rate increase. If Ergen hadn't bought some of the debt Sirius owed, making it harder for them to refinance, they might have pulled through.

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