Friday, December 5, 2008

FRP announces fourth-quarter dividend!

So after a bit of a hit with Freddie Mac (FRE) and Sirius XM (SIRI), I've been a bit more selective about what I put my money into. With the sale of Anheuser-Busch, my shares of BUD were liquidated without anybody telling me. Seeing how I didn't want my cash sitting there while the market was down. I threw the cash into Western Digital (WDC). They are a pretty solid company with good product offerings. Tech has been a bit volatile lately, being affected by the weak retail sales, but I foresee WDC holding its own for a bit. Solid-state drives haven't caught on that well, so HDD should be fine for now.

A while back, I had some meager shares of Verizon Communications (VZ). Somehow, when they spun-off their northern New England business into Fairpoint Communications (FRP), I was given a fraction of a share. A few days ago I noticed some movement, and after some research, I found that they are about done with their transition of business away from VZ to FRP. The price was low, so I went in for 50 shares. Barring any hiccups with the final stages of the transition, FRP should be fine in the short-run. They also just announced a quarterly dividend of $0.2575 per share. So holding FRP will give me $12.88 dividend income per quarter. Not too shabby, while I wait for their business to settle in. Volume on the stock is pretty low at around 120K, but FRP is still relatively unknown. It did make the biggest movers list on Motley Fool a few days ago, though!

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